The Mercy Finder

The Mercy Finder

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In the Land of Yudacudahey

Hip hip hooray! Both parents are taking a nap at the same time, Sawyer is with his mommy, and I have some quiet time to myself (if you don’t count the snoring coming from my folks’ room via the baby monitor next to me in the upstairs gameroom). I don’t know whether to sleep myself, watch TV, unpack or update my blog. Yes, I do, I’m updating.

When we made the decision to have Mom and Dad move down here to live with me it took awhile to put everything in place. I had to find a home that could accommodate all 3 of us, that was elder-friendly ie, wide enough for walkers and potential wheelchairs, had multiple living spaces and enough bedrooms and bathrooms for all of us and any who could come and visit. I needed a decent fenced backyard and garden and flooring that was conducive to wheels and spills. I found all that and much more (ie, a spa w/ great privacy – yay for clothing optional) in our latest home. It took several trips from my self-storage unit in L.A. w/ the great assistance of my brother, John, and his wife Gayle, a truckload from my former condo, and a truckload from my folks assisted living place in Northern California. Four days before the move, Mom fell and broke her left shoulder, which was especially tough since she’s left-handed and her right shoulder was already a problem. And then two days after they arrived, Dad started throwing up for 36 hours and eventually spent a week at Mission Hospital Laguna Beach. He wasn’t too keen on being in the ICU but I was amazed at one of the best views from his room of the Pacific Ocean I’ve ever seen. The sunsets were fantastic. Too bad he couldn’t enjoy it more. However, he was very stoical and a trooper and recovered very well.

But now, a month has passed and we’re all getting back to normal, whatever that is. Mom’s dementia is interesting, hilarious, sad, creative, and ranges from craziness to sanity. I love it when she checks back in and I feel like I’ve just about got my mom back. But I also enjoy the journey she’s on. I love listening to her sincere and humble prayers. I love her cheerful and upbeat attitude. I laugh along with her when she realizes that the words she just said don’t make any sense. For instance, the other night I offered her some chapstick for her chapped lips. She had a hard time hearing me and thought I offered her “cat butt”. I said, “Sure, Mom, here’s some cat butt for your lips!” We both had a good time laughing over that one. One night at dinner she asked my dad where we lived. “Are we in Europe?” “No,” we both replied. “Are we in America?” “Yes,” I said, “We’re in California. Where did you think we lived?” I asked her. She looked at me and answered, “I don’t know. I thought maybe we lived in Yudacudahey.” “Yudacudahey? Where’s that?” I asked her. We both started laughing when she responded, “Oh, I don’t know. I just thought it sounded like a nice place.”

And it is. So welcome to our world. I hope we all get to stay here for awhile.

The folks truck loaded up by brother, John. Good thing they're bringing Mom's Diet Coke

The backyard of our home

Dad's million dollar view at Mission Laguna Beach

Just taking it all in stride during one of the hospital visits

Mom with her shoulder in a sling and brother, John

My sisters, Marlene and Sandy, helped with the drive down and niece, Mackenna, had a quick visit, too.

It's a good thing when checking on your folks in the morning and they're holding hands

Capturing the innocence of simplicity and joy


Valerie said...

Love that pic of Grandma and Grandpa holding hands! Thanks for taking such good care of them! Your new place is gorgeous!!

MAMACITA said...

I love reading about your life! Your way with words is magical--makes it so fun to read. LOVE your new house!! Looks like something out of a fairytale!! Gorgeous, sweet pictures--every one! Every person in your family is greatly blessed to have you.

Unknown said...

Great pictures. I hope to have your energy and caring way...eventually :)