The Mercy Finder

The Mercy Finder

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Purple Oaks and Birchen Boughs

The sweet calm sunshine of October, now
 warms the low spot;
Upon its grassy mold the purple oak-leaf falls;
The birchen bough drops its bright spoil like arrow-heads of gold.
-William Cullen

I love how this poem perfectly captures the month of October.  I love even more than reading it, speaking this poem out loud. Try it. See how it feels in your mouth. Hear how it resonates in your ears.  Doesn’t it sound lush and bountiful? Like a bushel of golden apples? Ah, October! How do you leave us so quickly?

A few events in the life of the mercy finder this month:

Blessing Day for twins, Brooks and Tyler
Bathtime for cousins
Friend, Merrilyn Collin, gave Sawyer a bear named "Sawyer" from Habitat for Humanity 
Juliette practicing for Zoomar Farm 

The Farm and Pumpkin Patch with Brittany & kiddos, Chelsea & Sawyer... train rides, slides and guinea pigs

Disneyland with Britt, Annie, Jake, & Juliette, wherein Jake learns to be a Jedi
I love you October. Please come again soon.


My Heart Song said...

Adorable photos of really cute kids, grand kids, and grandma...Looks like so much fun!

V.a.n.e.s.s.a said...

How fun to go to Disneyland during Halloween time!

Unknown said...

Hello! We (Zoomars) absolutely love your photos and we are wondering if we could use the one of your sweet son with the pumpkins for a promotion we are doing here at the zoo! I'd be happy to send you some goodies in return:) Please email me at to discuss:)

Warm regards,
Angela Oldfield