The Mercy Finder

The Mercy Finder

Friday, August 5, 2011

Please Pass the Turkey

Conversation with my mom tonight as I was helping her get ready for bed---

Mom:  Did you say your name was Maren?
Me:  No, I'm Joyce. I'm your daughter Joyce. We have the same last name.
Mom: We do?
Me:  Yes, you're my mother.
Mom:  Your real live mother?
Me:  Yes.
Mom:  Well, well.

She reaches out her skinny bony fingers and starts to touch and caress my cheek, my jawline and my neck, the very same that I'm so self-conscious about with my jowls and wrinkly saggy skin.

Mom:  You're so very well-carved!

Ahhh, the unconditional love of a mother. Soothing even at my age.


Brittany Archibald said...

This post just really makes me laugh. I love it! Love the new beach pic at the top too!!!

Valerie said...

So cute!

bdoyle said...

sweet and hilarious. and please don't say anything against your beautiful face since I pride myself in hearing that I look like you.
Love you!

MAMACITA said...

Priceless conversation! My mom will turn 82 in a few days!! How time flies...

V.a.n.e.s.s.a said...

lol. a most excellent post!